Street Lights

Street Lights


Street lights are tall fixtures equipped with illuminative components, designed to light up outdoor areas during nighttime or low-light conditions. Their primary role is to ensure safety, visibility, and security on roads, sidewalks, and public spaces. Products range from traditional sodium vapor lamps to more energy-efficient LED lights.

Some modern street lights come with sensors or solar panels, making them adaptive to the surrounding brightness or self-sustaining. You'll find them lining roads, highways, pathways, parks, and other communal areas. By providing consistent illumination, street lights prevent accidents, deter crime, and enable smooth vehicular and pedestrian movement even after sunset.


Before electricity, cities relied on lanterns filled with oil or candles to light up streets, manually lit each evening. With the advent of gas lighting in the 19th century, street illumination became more consistent. The introduction of electric lights marked a revolutionary change, offering brighter and more sustainable lighting. Over the years, street lights transitioned from basic incandescent bulbs to brighter and efficient sodium vapor lamps and, eventually, to today's widespread LED fixtures, greatly improving nighttime visibility.


The future of street lights is bright, with a focus on smart, sustainable solutions. Contemporary trends lean towards solar-powered LEDs, which are energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. Many cities are exploring connected street lights integrated with sensors, offering adaptive brightness and data collection for urban planning. Challenges include ensuring consistent illumination in all weather conditions and integrating these smart systems seamlessly into urban infrastructures. As urban spaces evolve, street lights will play a pivotal role in enhancing safety, sustainability, and smart city capabilities.

Common Questions
Common Questions
How tall are street lights?

The height of a street light tends to vary from what kind of area, type of street, type of fixture, owner, and lighting conditions. Street light poles are typically 8 to 50 feet (2.4 – 15.2 m) tall. Street poles taller than 50 feet (15.2 m) are considered a high-mast.

Who maintains street lights?

Some cities and suburbs maintain their own streetlights through their department of transportation, and pay for the energy they consume. Often utilities are the owners of the streetlights and charge the town or city a monthly rate that includes the street light, maintenance, and total energy use.

When were street lights invented?

Electric street lights were first implemented in Paris in 1878. By 1890, more than 130,000 electric street lights were installed in the United States. These first versions of the modern street lights offered harsh lighting, and did not last a very long time. They were later replaced with incandescent street lights.


* Under Development *