Buildings provide us with basic human needs for shelter, security, privacy, storage, and work while also acting as universal carriers of art, culture, history, economics, and equity. Looking at a diverse range of techniques and building types that include residential, commercial, civic, educational, medical, industrial, agricultural, and infrastructural uses, these fundamental elements and principles make up the majority of our built environment. The following guides have been created for you as a survey covering the various construction methods, systems, components, materials, logics, and standards that influence how buildings are constructed around the world. These resources will be constantly growing and expanding over time in an effort to further illustrate and document the many topics and issues related to buildings.
A Florentine arch is a type of arch that is semicircular in shape and has its extrados struck from a higher point than its intrados. This means that the length of the voussoirs is longer nearer the top of the arch. Florentine arches are often used in Renaissance architecture.
Details and DownloadsDoor Knobs are the round types of door handles that are gripped by the user to open or close a door. Door Knobs are one of the most common types of door handles. Door Knobs can be used in various indoor and exterior doors as well as multiple building types.
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