Snorlax, known as Kabigon in Japan, is a normal type Pokémon introduced in the first generation of games. Snorlax is a huge, bluish-green, creature with a large belly and comparatively short and round limbs. Snorlax evolves from Munchlax and Snorlax has a Gigantamax form. Snorlax can be found napping in inconvenient places in the wild and must be woken up with the soothing sounds of a Poke Flute before being captured. Snorlax has a calm personality, so much so, that it will allow children and small Pokémon to bounce on its large belly. However, do not mistake his calm personality for meekness, the Snorlax is capable of powerful attacks.
Snorlax has an average height of 6’11” (210.8 cm) and weight of 1014 lb (460 kg). Snorlax is a Normal type Pokémon and is listed as #143 in the National Pokédex.
Snorlax, known as Kabigon in Japan, is a normal type Pokémon introduced in the first generation of games. Snorlax is a huge, bluish-green, creature with a large belly and comparatively short and round limbs. Snorlax evolves from Munchlax and Snorlax has a Gigantamax form. Snorlax can be found napping in inconvenient places in the wild and must be woken up with the soothing sounds of a Poke Flute before being captured. Snorlax has a calm personality, so much so, that it will allow children and small Pokémon to bounce on its large belly. However, do not mistake his calm personality for meekness, the Snorlax is capable of powerful attacks.
Snorlax has an average height of 6’11” (210.8 cm) and weight of 1014 lb (460 kg). Snorlax is a Normal type Pokémon and is listed as #143 in the National Pokédex.